Washington Correspondent Neil McCabe on Pelosi’s Iron Grip, the Media Hypocrisy on Biden Silence and Last Day as President


Live from Music Row Wednesday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  host Leahy welcomed Tennessee Star National Correspondent Neil McCabe to the newsmakers line who foresees Biden’s coming demise and how and when it will occur.

Leahy: We are joined on the line by the best national reporter in Washington DC for Star News Network Neil McCabe. Good Morning Neil, How you doing today?

McCabe: Very glad to be with you Michael.

Leahy: So Washington going crazy. They’re spending money like drunken sailors. They passed this one point nine trillion dollar coronavirus aid package that only contains nine percent for coronavirus. Nancy Pelosi that has an iron grip upon the brains and other parts of the Democrats in Congress, she says they’re going to spend more on covid relief spending. Ask the virus she says. What do you make of that Neil?

McCabe: Well, let me say this. And it’s pretty clear to me that the wheels are coming off the cart for the Biden administration. They are just saying we’re not even 100 days in we’re approaching the Ides of March. And it’s pretty much over for the Biden administration. I don’t think it’s any kind of victory for Biden that he was somehow able to convince people on Capitol Hill to vote for a two trillion dollars pork package. That seems pretty easy. I think if I was Speaker of the House I could get that. I could convince Congressman to send to spend two billion dollars on pork.

Pelosi’s basically got a lot of things that her progressive caucus wants her to do. She’s not going to get any of them done. And she can spend more money. But if she tries to do anything else she’s going to get into a world of hurt. Right now the calendar has kept against Biden and I just don’t see how he recovers anywhere and getting anything done in 2021. And then 2022 is going to be even worse for him.

Leahy: So he’s not held a press conference yet. How many days are we into this? 45, 46, 47. No press conferences yet. If this were a Republican president how would the mainstream media react to that silence from Joe legal but illegitimate Joe Biden?

McCabe: When you talk about Trump, there is no president in the history of this planet or any other planet in the universe that has given as much access to the press as Donald J. Trump. And reporters never had it so good. How many of these reporters became famous for their snarky questions and their back and forth with the president interrupting him, being so rude, and obnoxious? And now crickets. And, of course, it’s complete hypocrisy.

But what do you do? Joe Biden does not have the mental faculties to be president of the United States. Not only does he not remember the name of his defense secretary but he doesn’t remember both the name of the very large five-sided building that that man works in. He’s got a lot of problems. There was a gaffe the other day about four or five days ago where he’s doing a virtual tour some kind of call with NASA and he mentioned Joe, his vice president is of Indian descent.

His chief speechwriter is of Indian descent. There are more than 50 senior leaders in his administration who are of Indian descent. And Biden says wow, the Indians are taking over. Now forget Republican or Democrat. If anybody made that kind of ethnically charged gaffe, there will be hell to pay. The reason Biden gets a hall pass is that everyone knows he can’t be held responsible for what he says. It’s amazing.

And of course you look at the press coverage. How many articles did you read Mike about how great it is to have dogs in the White House again until one of the dogs attacked the secret service officer? (Leahy laughs) now, we’re being told it was the secret service. So now basically Major and Champ these two German Shepherds have been exiled to the Biden estate in Delaware. Biden was joking when he said the Indians were taking over. But Kamala Harris is going to be president of the United States sooner than he expects. He’ll have plenty of time to play with Major and Champ when he’s in private life back in Delaware.

Leahy: Give us a date. What is the last day Joe Biden serves as president of the United States?

McCabe: I really believe they have to take him out between Thanksgiving and Christmas because it’s all about the calendar. The major push for any kind of legislation on Capitol Hill from the state of the union and straight through Memorial Day. And after Memorial Day is going to be two or three things that you got to get done. And then there’s that final push for specific items to the Fourth of July.

From the Fourth of July to Labor Day nothing is done. Then you have a budget crisis. And the budget crisis then basically you hit all these holiday weekends, right? So you hit Columbus Day. You hit Veterans Day you had Thanksgiving and then you hit Christmas and then the cycle starts over again and it reboots with the state of the union. So they’ve got to take him out probably between Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Leahy: And just remove him from the office of President is what you mean by that, right?

McCabe: Well, yes. I mean either it’s the 25th amendment or they sit him down and they say listen…

Leahy: It’s time to resign.

McCabe: (Inaudible talk) Hunter, or whatever we have to say or do to make him go away. And the question is, you know, will Biden’s team around him, this is the interesting dynamic. Because the Biden family in the Biden team obviously loves being in power like anyone else. That’s not a Republican or a Democratic thing.

That’s just people. So are they just going to how are they going to push back as Harris and Obama and that crowd basically try to push crazy Uncle Joe out the door. An interesting dynamic may develop where the Republicans actually sort of reach out to sort of keeping Joe in so that Kamala doesn’t become president of the United States. Let me ask you this Mike. When is the president’s State of the Union? When is he making his address?

Leahy: Supposedly he’s making an address this month sometime right? But is it a state of the union? I don’t know.

McCabe: No. He’s not going to do it. If you don’t know then join the club. Because no one knows. If Easter is April 4, it’s not going to be before Easter. You can’t do it in holy week. Then you have Greek Easter which pushes you to the 11th. The earliest he could do it is probably the week of April 18. So if I just said the hardest push for the legislation from a president of the United States is between (Inaudible talk) or Memorial Day. (Chuckling)

If he’s kicking off his administration on April 18th Well, well, how do you do sir? We have like three weeks. I think I think there are house votes scheduled for seven days in March. Eight days in April. Eight days in May. I think they’re in for 12 days of votes in June. On July 30th the House goes on recess from July 30th to September 20. So basically nothing’s getting done from August and then more than half of September.

Typically a president comes in and he does what’s called a skinny budget where you basically give the new president the chance to make his own personal amendments in the fiscal year budget that’s ongoing. They call it the skinny budget. How do you do a skinny budget when you don’t even have a director of the Office of Management and Budget? They dragged that out with Neera Tanden.

Leahy: And she’s gone right?

McCabe: (Inaudible talk) An Indian American by the way. And she pulls her nomination in March. She dragged that thing out. How do you go into March where you do not have an acting director? It’s not good for the Biden administration.

Leahy: Neil McCabe, you are on the record. March 10th, 2021. Come January first, 2022, Joe Biden will not be president of the United States. Neil, thanks for joining us today.

McCabe: Be good guys. Take care.

Listen to the full third hour here:

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Tune in weekdays from 5:00 – 8:00 a.m. to the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy on Talk Radio 98.3 FM WLAC 1510. Listen online at iHeart Radio. 






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